YouTube content creation help?!?


Junior Member
Jul 19, 2020
Reaction score
So I have a general idea of the type of content I want which is political, geared towards republicans.

I don’t want to make content using my face for obvious reasons because I don’t want my face attached to negative stigma. I would definitely down the road make videos with me in them if it meant I was making tens of thousands $$ a month. I just don’t want to do it right now until I know this is something I can make a living doing for a long time. The last thing I need is my employer seeing my videos and firing me or soemthing.

but this will be a new channel, the exciting part if I can probably gain atleast 300-500 targeted subscribers a day for free using my twitters.

My Hangup right now is content creation. I’m making good money with the twitters I’m running in this niche currently, so I have no issue reinvesting this money into youtube.

I have no problem spending $100-$200 to have a content made.

I went to fiverr, script writers aren’t that much. I’m not sure what type of content I want is the issue, I know it will be politics. I’m not sure if I’m going for “news” type of videos, comedic type videos, obviously I want my channel to grow so it needs to be entertaining.

I guess my issue if I’m just not sure what to do as far as content creation.
I plan on hiring a voice over artist, and a script writer. So that solves that but now I need a video of some sort.

anyone have any ideas as far as videos? Like soemthing animated maybe? But animation is expensive.
Any knowledge anyone could spare would be wonderful.

there was someone here on BHW recently that did a YouTube journey and his channel really grew and hegabe an update saying he anticipates making $30k a month real shortly and I guess he just pays people to make his content.
