
Apr 26, 2018
Reaction score
Hi everyone, my name is Bruno and I’m a human being.

It’s difficult to be a human. You look in the mirror and see how ugly you are, then you look at your hands and feel the existential dread settle while you question your existence and wonder why you’re in this world, and why is it that you have to compete with other humans for goods and services in this planet. Why can’t we all share everything? There’s plenty for everyone, but no, you need to compete.

According to our capitalistic society, cooperation doesn’t bring prosperity, but competition does. You are probably a blogger or website owner and you need to compete with many other websites for the first page of Google and the attention of your customers. That’s where I come in: to tip the scale in your favor in the blogging war.

I have partnered with @Jrim_Software to bring you a solution that will help you get unique content for your blogs or websites at rock bottom prices.

What are you selling exactly?
Unique expired articles from the way back machine which are safe to use on your money site.

What format do the articles come in?
Plain text and HTML with all the format already done for you so all you need to do is copy the HTML into the text editor on your site, add a few pictures and links and publish it.

What’s the price?
$0,50 per article.

Why is it so cheap?
Because we love you, that’s why.

No, really, why are they so cheap?
Because we sell in bulk only, and will not verify the content or accuracy of the scraped articles. $50 for 100 articles is the minimum. We will overdeliver a minimum of 20% on your order to allow room for irrelevant content. For example, if you order 100 articles, you will receive at least 120.

How many articles can I buy?
As many as you want but the minimum order is 100 articles for $50.

Do you offer any refunds?

What’s the TAT?
Around 72 hours from when we receive the payment, but usually much faster.

Why are there no superheroes on this thread?
Because we’re real people. Proof: @Jrim_Software, @mylastvacation

Disclaimer: as far as we can tell, we’re real but we could also be a brain in a vat or living in a simulated reality of some sort. Or maybe it’s all a dream?

Can I resell the articles?
Of course, they are yours, you can do whatever you want with them.

Can I use them to put together books and publish them on KDP, Kobo, Apple books, Smashwords, Publishdrive or any such similar services?
Of course, they are your articles, you can do whatever you want with them. And yes, they are safe and you won’t get your accounts banned.

Can I use them on revenue share platforms such as Medium for some sweet 100% passive income I can then use to buy the new Tesla Model Y?
Of course, they are yours, you can do whatever you want with them.

Can I turn them into stories and publish them on Wattpad for teenagers to read?
Of course, they are yours, you can do whatever you want with them.

Can I use them on any social media platform such as for Instagram captions, Youtube video descriptions or Facebook posts?

Of course, they are yours, you can do whatever you want with them. As you can see from this FAQ the possibilities for you to make money are endless as long as you use your imagination and TAKE ACTION.

Are these articles safe to use on my money site?
Yes. They passed Grammarly plagiarism check (and we include the score of every article we send you) so the articles haven’t been indexed by Google, and that means your articles won’t count as duplicate content on Google’s eyes and your site won’t get penalized.

Will the articles be relevant?
As we examine articles for the presence of your keyword(s), most articles should be relevant.Just in case, we always add at least 20% more articles to every order to make up for irrelevancy. We want you to succeed because if you make money, we make money.

Let's say you are looking for articles about siamese cats. I will first scrape domains that have the word cat on them and then once I have that list, I will scrape each domain for only the articles that have the word siamese on them to increase relevance, because I'm not interested in other cat breeds, just siamese. You must provide two sets of keywords like those, one for the domain and other one for the articles, for our search to work.

How are the articles different from other expired articles that are sold on the marketplace?
Ours have a minimum of 800 words, are more relevant (as explained in the previous questions) each one includes the word count, the Grammarly plagiarism score, the source where it was scraped from, and an extra HTML version in addition to the .txt so you don’t need to waste time formatting the article you bought. Any headings, spacing, lists, bold, etc. in the original HTML of the scraped article will be delivered to you intact, ready to publish.

Can I see a sample of an article?
Of course, just leave a quick comment on our thread and we’ll PM you a few samples we have already extracted, but we can’t send specific samples of a topic of your choosing.

Do you offer any discount?
Yes, 50% discount is available to the first 20 customers. Just comment here what is your reason for living or your purpose in life and we’ll send you a discount. For example, your reason for living could be your god, your family, your pet, your partner; and your purpose could be to have fun, to be happy, to become a superhero or whatever. Many people don’t have a reason or purpose, they just wake up and go about their habits every day until they die, that’s OK too, just comment that you have no reason to exist.

How to order?
Click here and pay for as many articles as you want. Be sure to leave your desired domain and keywords in the transaction notes (Additional information)! After purchasing, post your transaction ID in this thread and your order will be processed.

Please note, the proper format for keywords in your order notes is:

Domain keyword(s): dog

Article keywords: training, leash, bark training, bark collar

Of course, you can write me at seoulunlimited at gmail dot com or PM me here on BHW.


Marketplace Mod, Jr Exec, Jr Vip
Staff member
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
Marketplace Thread Approved

  • Package(s) tested:
    We received 50 articles formatted in html ready to publish as described.
  • Turnaround Time:
    Articles were delivered in 2 days.
Service Information
  • The content was good, the formatting was good and they are really just plug and play for a site.
  • All I did was give a very generic KW and the articles were all around that KW.
  • You could probably build a site with this content and get it approved by Adsense even.

What Could Use Improvement
I don't think for the price any improvement would be required or expected.

Thread Edit Log
  • The 5 most recent thread edits will appear here
With anything more than 5 going in here
For Buyers: The quality of the product or service that I receive is what you should expect, or better. If you feel that the quality of the service has dropped significantly, please let us know via the report button.

For Buyers Regarding Disputes: If you do not receive a product or service as advertised, or at all in the event of a dispute, do not be afraid of a "no refunds" refund policy as you are allowed to request a refund through the shit list process. For more information and to see whether or not your dispute qualifies, refer to the shit list rules and procedures.
Last edited:

Social God

Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
Just because you said "we love you," - I will grab some articles. <3

I would love a discount.

My purpose in life is to be happy and to consume a lot of food! How? Achieve financial freedom. :)


Regular Member
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Interested. The way you write the thread is amazing.

Would love to take a discount and sample


Regular Member
Oct 21, 2016
Reaction score
Seems like a good deal. I would love to try your service out.

Please send a sample and a discount.

My purpose in life is to make money and make momma proud :D


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2017
Reaction score
I have a question What if multiple people buy the same articles on niche and specific keywords, there will be a punishment from Google and we will not benefit anything
Mar 18, 2020
Reaction score
I have one questions - My Site has categories like - marketing techniques, business ideas for people, and topics like this. I am adding one sample site -

Let me know if you can provide me content like these also, Discount and samples, please:)